10 Minute Guided Meditation to Calm the Mind

This short & sweet 10 minute guided meditation is perfect for when you’re feeling rushed or stressed, or have a lot on your mind and you want to calm and quiet it down. Take 10 minutes to sit comfortably, listen and follow the guided cues and allow yourself a short break to find inner peace. Let me know in the comments how it went for you!


8 Responses to 10 Minute Guided Meditation to Calm the Mind

  1. Thank you Sharee. I was just thinking how much I missed my daily meditation since life became so demanding and hectic!
    I have just completed your 10 min guided meditation while at my daughter’s before taking the grandkids to school. I sat and did the meditation after getting them up, showered dressed and while they had their brekkie – 10 min opportunity was taken:)

  2. Relaxing, Calming and a great way to lower my blood pressure which has been extremely high lately from stress .At 80 yrs. old I need all the help I can get.
    Thank You,Anna

    • Oh that’s great Anna – meditation can indeed have a very powerful effect on body and mind, as you’ve highlighted. I hope your stress eases soon ❤️

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10 Minute Guided Meditation to Calm the Mind

This short & sweet 10 minute guided meditation is perfect for when you’re feeling rushed or stressed, or have a lot on your mind and you want to calm and quiet it down. Take 10 minutes to sit comfortably, listen and follow the guided cues and allow yourself a short break to find inner peace. Let me know in the comments how it went for you!


8 Responses to 10 Minute Guided Meditation to Calm the Mind

  1. Thank you Sharee. I was just thinking how much I missed my daily meditation since life became so demanding and hectic!
    I have just completed your 10 min guided meditation while at my daughter’s before taking the grandkids to school. I sat and did the meditation after getting them up, showered dressed and while they had their brekkie – 10 min opportunity was taken:)

  2. Relaxing, Calming and a great way to lower my blood pressure which has been extremely high lately from stress .At 80 yrs. old I need all the help I can get.
    Thank You,Anna

    • Oh that’s great Anna – meditation can indeed have a very powerful effect on body and mind, as you’ve highlighted. I hope your stress eases soon ❤️

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Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved

anxiety natural treatment

10 Minute Guided Meditation to Calm the Mind

This short & sweet 10 minute guided meditation is perfect for when you’re feeling rushed or stressed, or have a lot on your mind and you want to calm and quiet it down. Take 10 minutes to sit comfortably, listen and follow the guided cues and allow yourself a short break to find inner peace. Let me know in the comments how it went for you!


8 Responses to 10 Minute Guided Meditation to Calm the Mind

  1. Thank you Sharee. I was just thinking how much I missed my daily meditation since life became so demanding and hectic!
    I have just completed your 10 min guided meditation while at my daughter’s before taking the grandkids to school. I sat and did the meditation after getting them up, showered dressed and while they had their brekkie – 10 min opportunity was taken:)

  2. Relaxing, Calming and a great way to lower my blood pressure which has been extremely high lately from stress .At 80 yrs. old I need all the help I can get.
    Thank You,Anna

    • Oh that’s great Anna – meditation can indeed have a very powerful effect on body and mind, as you’ve highlighted. I hope your stress eases soon ❤️

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