Beat High-Functioning Anxiety: How to Stop Feeling Rushed, Busy & Overwhelmed

high functioning anxiety corporate womanDo you ever wake up in the morning and a mental to-do list immediately crashes through your brain? And you get that rushed, overwhelmed feeling before you’ve even gotten out of bed? It’s almost like your alarm clock is a starting gun, and bang – you’re up and off the the races…racing against time to get everything done!

I certainly have, and  it’s not a nice way to live…but thankfully I have a few tips to help get off the hamster wheel of feeling chronically stressed and frazzled.

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3 Self-Care Practices I Have to Manage My Anxiety

yin yoga pose dragonfly

You may not know this about me, but I used to suffer from anxiety bad.

Like end up in the emergency room, all day vomiting, bad. (Sorry if that’s TMI!)

And on my journey to “healing” my anxiety, I’ve come to believe that some of us are more highly sensitive, and thus naturally more prone to anxiety. We all have our weaknesses right? For some it might be back troubles, others migraines and for people like you and I, it’s a nervous system that can tip into anxiety more easily if it’s not well-regulated.

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Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved

Beat High-Functioning Anxiety: How to Stop Feeling Rushed, Busy & Overwhelmed

high functioning anxiety corporate womanDo you ever wake up in the morning and a mental to-do list immediately crashes through your brain? And you get that rushed, overwhelmed feeling before you’ve even gotten out of bed? It’s almost like your alarm clock is a starting gun, and bang – you’re up and off the the races…racing against time to get everything done!

I certainly have, and  it’s not a nice way to live…but thankfully I have a few tips to help get off the hamster wheel of feeling chronically stressed and frazzled.

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3 Self-Care Practices I Have to Manage My Anxiety

yin yoga pose dragonfly

You may not know this about me, but I used to suffer from anxiety bad.

Like end up in the emergency room, all day vomiting, bad. (Sorry if that’s TMI!)

And on my journey to “healing” my anxiety, I’ve come to believe that some of us are more highly sensitive, and thus naturally more prone to anxiety. We all have our weaknesses right? For some it might be back troubles, others migraines and for people like you and I, it’s a nervous system that can tip into anxiety more easily if it’s not well-regulated.

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As Featured In:

Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved

anxiety natural treatment

Beat High-Functioning Anxiety: How to Stop Feeling Rushed, Busy & Overwhelmed

high functioning anxiety corporate womanDo you ever wake up in the morning and a mental to-do list immediately crashes through your brain? And you get that rushed, overwhelmed feeling before you’ve even gotten out of bed? It’s almost like your alarm clock is a starting gun, and bang – you’re up and off the the races…racing against time to get everything done!

I certainly have, and  it’s not a nice way to live…but thankfully I have a few tips to help get off the hamster wheel of feeling chronically stressed and frazzled.

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3 Self-Care Practices I Have to Manage My Anxiety

yin yoga pose dragonfly

You may not know this about me, but I used to suffer from anxiety bad.

Like end up in the emergency room, all day vomiting, bad. (Sorry if that’s TMI!)

And on my journey to “healing” my anxiety, I’ve come to believe that some of us are more highly sensitive, and thus naturally more prone to anxiety. We all have our weaknesses right? For some it might be back troubles, others migraines and for people like you and I, it’s a nervous system that can tip into anxiety more easily if it’s not well-regulated.

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