Why You NEED To Try Yin Yoga!

Why you NEED to try YIN YOGA if you want to release PHYSICAL & MENTAL tension 

Watch this short but juicy video to discover:
– What yin yoga is and how it differs from other forms of yoga and movement
– Why yin yoga is a wonderful antidote to the stress and busyness of modern life
– How it works on both the energetic meridians of the body and the fascia or connective tissue where we hold physical tension
– Why it’s a wonderful mindfulness practice in it’s own right to help us cultivate a balanced, peaceful mind.

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How to Fill Your Home With Positive Energy

Home has been a pretty fluid concept for my partner and I…in the past 9 years we’ve spent about 4 years on and off travelling, a year and a half living interstate and the rest of the time never living at a particular address for more than 2 years!

And now we are “home”…or at least, living in one place in my hometown with no fixed plans on the horizon to go anywhere else.

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As Featured In:

Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved

Why You NEED To Try Yin Yoga!

Why you NEED to try YIN YOGA if you want to release PHYSICAL & MENTAL tension 

Watch this short but juicy video to discover:
– What yin yoga is and how it differs from other forms of yoga and movement
– Why yin yoga is a wonderful antidote to the stress and busyness of modern life
– How it works on both the energetic meridians of the body and the fascia or connective tissue where we hold physical tension
– Why it’s a wonderful mindfulness practice in it’s own right to help us cultivate a balanced, peaceful mind.
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How to Fill Your Home With Positive Energy

Home has been a pretty fluid concept for my partner and I…in the past 9 years we’ve spent about 4 years on and off travelling, a year and a half living interstate and the rest of the time never living at a particular address for more than 2 years!

And now we are “home”…or at least, living in one place in my hometown with no fixed plans on the horizon to go anywhere else.

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As Featured In:

Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved

anxiety natural treatment

Why You NEED To Try Yin Yoga!

Why you NEED to try YIN YOGA if you want to release PHYSICAL & MENTAL tension 

Watch this short but juicy video to discover:
– What yin yoga is and how it differs from other forms of yoga and movement
– Why yin yoga is a wonderful antidote to the stress and busyness of modern life
– How it works on both the energetic meridians of the body and the fascia or connective tissue where we hold physical tension
– Why it’s a wonderful mindfulness practice in it’s own right to help us cultivate a balanced, peaceful mind.
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How to Fill Your Home With Positive Energy

Home has been a pretty fluid concept for my partner and I…in the past 9 years we’ve spent about 4 years on and off travelling, a year and a half living interstate and the rest of the time never living at a particular address for more than 2 years!

And now we are “home”…or at least, living in one place in my hometown with no fixed plans on the horizon to go anywhere else.

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As Featured In:

Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved