What is Mindfulness & How Can it Help My Anxiety?

I’m pretty sure you’ve at least heard of mindfulness, right?

It’s boomed in popularity in recent years and is being used in schools, hospitals, psychotherapy, corporations and there’s a plethora of books, apps and guided mindfulness meditations available to “stick your toe in the water” with…

But maybe you’re still not sure what exactly it is…or how it may help if you suffer from chronic stress, anxiety or depression.

I’ll be honest – because the essence of mindfulness is really an experience, it’s not that easy to put into words.

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Pyroluria: Could This Genetic Condition Be Causing Your Anxiety?

Whenever I’m taking a patient’s case history and they complain of anxiety, social anxiety or OCD, I always ask them when it first started…For some it started only recently, often in response to a major life stressor or an obvious health imbalance. But for others, they say, “as long as I can remember” or “ever since I was little”… and this is when my ears prick up – could they be suffering from the common – but not well-known – genetic condition pyrolyria that affects up to 10% of the population?

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Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved

What is Mindfulness & How Can it Help My Anxiety?

I’m pretty sure you’ve at least heard of mindfulness, right?

It’s boomed in popularity in recent years and is being used in schools, hospitals, psychotherapy, corporations and there’s a plethora of books, apps and guided mindfulness meditations available to “stick your toe in the water” with…

But maybe you’re still not sure what exactly it is…or how it may help if you suffer from chronic stress, anxiety or depression.

I’ll be honest – because the essence of mindfulness is really an experience, it’s not that easy to put into words.

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Pyroluria: Could This Genetic Condition Be Causing Your Anxiety?

Whenever I’m taking a patient’s case history and they complain of anxiety, social anxiety or OCD, I always ask them when it first started…For some it started only recently, often in response to a major life stressor or an obvious health imbalance. But for others, they say, “as long as I can remember” or “ever since I was little”… and this is when my ears prick up – could they be suffering from the common – but not well-known – genetic condition pyrolyria that affects up to 10% of the population?

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As Featured In:

Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved

anxiety natural treatment

What is Mindfulness & How Can it Help My Anxiety?

I’m pretty sure you’ve at least heard of mindfulness, right?

It’s boomed in popularity in recent years and is being used in schools, hospitals, psychotherapy, corporations and there’s a plethora of books, apps and guided mindfulness meditations available to “stick your toe in the water” with…

But maybe you’re still not sure what exactly it is…or how it may help if you suffer from chronic stress, anxiety or depression.

I’ll be honest – because the essence of mindfulness is really an experience, it’s not that easy to put into words.

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Pyroluria: Could This Genetic Condition Be Causing Your Anxiety?

Whenever I’m taking a patient’s case history and they complain of anxiety, social anxiety or OCD, I always ask them when it first started…For some it started only recently, often in response to a major life stressor or an obvious health imbalance. But for others, they say, “as long as I can remember” or “ever since I was little”… and this is when my ears prick up – could they be suffering from the common – but not well-known – genetic condition pyrolyria that affects up to 10% of the population?

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Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved