Guided Meditation for Stress Relief

Having one of those days (weeks…hell, years???) where you feel like a frazzled, hot mess and everything’s a hard slog?

Then I invite you to take 10 minutes to just STOP.

Stop, find somewhere comfortable and quiet to sit or lie down, and play this very simple guided meditation for 10 minutes…it might not sound like long, but sometimes 10 minutes is all you need to quiet your mind, come back to centre and find your inner peace again.

Have a listen, enjoy and let me know if you experienced a shift in just 10 minutes of meditation – I’d LOVE to know how it went for you!!

Oh and if you happen to be cruising along just fine without any stress – good for you! – but perhaps you have a friend struggling right now who really needs this…be a good friend and share it with them too 🙂

Yours in peace,


PS – wanna go deeper into meditation and make it a real part of your life? Get on the waitlist for the next round of the Calmer Mind Course!



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Guided Meditation for Stress Relief

Having one of those days (weeks…hell, years???) where you feel like a frazzled, hot mess and everything’s a hard slog?

Then I invite you to take 10 minutes to just STOP.

Stop, find somewhere comfortable and quiet to sit or lie down, and play this very simple guided meditation for 10 minutes…it might not sound like long, but sometimes 10 minutes is all you need to quiet your mind, come back to centre and find your inner peace again.

Have a listen, enjoy and let me know if you experienced a shift in just 10 minutes of meditation – I’d LOVE to know how it went for you!!

Oh and if you happen to be cruising along just fine without any stress – good for you! – but perhaps you have a friend struggling right now who really needs this…be a good friend and share it with them too 🙂

Yours in peace,


PS – wanna go deeper into meditation and make it a real part of your life? Get on the waitlist for the next round of the Calmer Mind Course!



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anxiety natural treatment

Guided Meditation for Stress Relief

Having one of those days (weeks…hell, years???) where you feel like a frazzled, hot mess and everything’s a hard slog?

Then I invite you to take 10 minutes to just STOP.

Stop, find somewhere comfortable and quiet to sit or lie down, and play this very simple guided meditation for 10 minutes…it might not sound like long, but sometimes 10 minutes is all you need to quiet your mind, come back to centre and find your inner peace again.

Have a listen, enjoy and let me know if you experienced a shift in just 10 minutes of meditation – I’d LOVE to know how it went for you!!

Oh and if you happen to be cruising along just fine without any stress – good for you! – but perhaps you have a friend struggling right now who really needs this…be a good friend and share it with them too 🙂

Yours in peace,


PS – wanna go deeper into meditation and make it a real part of your life? Get on the waitlist for the next round of the Calmer Mind Course!



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