Ashima Living Thu, 26 Dec 2024 11:19:47 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 85137279 7 Books to Uplevel Your Mental Health in 2025 Thu, 26 Dec 2024 11:19:01 +0000

‘Tis that time of year when we start thinking about our new-year’s resolutions and goals. There’s a spectrum of goal setters isn’t there? (And I’ve been ALL of them at some point). From the gentle noodler who has a little ponder and shares one or two goals with a friend right through to the magazine-cutting, glue-stick-pasting vision board maker or sage-burning ritual-creator.

Wherever you sit on this spectrum, as you consider what you want to reach for in 2025, I’d like to invite you to reflect upon what could be better than prioritising your mental health?

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L-Theanine for Anxiety, Depression, Focus & Sleep Thu, 06 Jun 2024 11:38:47 +0000

What supplements can I take for my anxiety? Low mood? Insomnia? Brain fog?

I get asked these questions a LOT.

And there isn’t a simple answer, as I strongly advocate for taking a holistic, root-cause based approach…and the root causes of these symptoms vary a lot from person to person, which means the treatments and supplements also vary! ( See my post on hidden causes of anxiety and low mood here).

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Is Being a People-Pleaser Damaging Your Mental Health? Thu, 19 Oct 2023 05:28:34 +0000

high functioning anxiety corporate woman

“I can feel calm and happy in myself when I’m alone, but other people’s negativity can bring me down straight away.”

“I get so exhausted because I don’t know how to say NO to other people’s demands on my time and energy.”

“I’ve spent my life taking care of everyone else and now I’m realizing I need to take care of myself to be happy, but I feel guilty if I put myself first”

“I have a friend/boss/co-worker who is treating me in a way I don’t like, but I don’t know how to tell them”.

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3 Big Mistakes Anxiety-Sufferers Make When Looking For A Solution Thu, 14 Sep 2023 05:16:25 +0000

You’ve tried it all. Magnesium and ashwaghanda supplements from the local health food shop. Anti-anxiety meds prescribed by your sympathetic but brusque GP. Counselling and CBT with a skilled and compassionate psychologist. Maybe even CBD, kinesiology or hypnotherapy…and they’ve helped – some. But you STILL feel like your anxiety is slowly stealing away your quality of life and your ability to feel calm, content and in control…and you worry – am I going to be at the mercy of this forever?

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Beat High-Functioning Anxiety: How to Stop Feeling Rushed, Busy & Overwhelmed Sun, 27 Aug 2023 04:59:11 +0000

high functioning anxiety corporate womanDo you ever wake up in the morning and a mental to-do list immediately crashes through your brain? And you get that rushed, overwhelmed feeling before you’ve even gotten out of bed? It’s almost like your alarm clock is a starting gun, and bang – you’re up and off the the races…racing against time to get everything done!

I certainly have, and  it’s not a nice way to live…but thankfully I have a few tips to help get off the hamster wheel of feeling chronically stressed and frazzled.

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3 Self-Care Practices I Have to Manage My Anxiety Tue, 15 Aug 2023 03:49:07 +0000

yin yoga pose dragonfly

You may not know this about me, but I used to suffer from anxiety bad.

Like end up in the emergency room, all day vomiting, bad. (Sorry if that’s TMI!)

And on my journey to “healing” my anxiety, I’ve come to believe that some of us are more highly sensitive, and thus naturally more prone to anxiety. We all have our weaknesses right? For some it might be back troubles, others migraines and for people like you and I, it’s a nervous system that can tip into anxiety more easily if it’s not well-regulated.

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5 Impressive Reasons Why Every Anxious, Burnt-Out Mum Needs Some Yoga In Their Day Tue, 11 Jul 2023 06:57:34 +0000

yin yoga childs pose


The other day I was having one of those days.

My toddler was screaming on the floor because I’d moved his “bull-truck” to the wrong position on the couch (apparently).

I felt like my brain was operating on about 5% capacity from being woken god-knows-how-many-times the night before. (Just like pretty much every night over the past 2 years!)

The dishwasher door was open with only half the dishes put away, clumps of dried-up scrambled eggs were littered all over the table, floor and my son’s booster seat, and the sight of my looong to-do list, and the knowledge that I had SO.

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My Top Tip For Meditating With Ease Tue, 09 May 2023 06:35:39 +0000


Picture this, you’re sitting cross-legged on the floor, trying your hardest not to think.


Suddenly, you realise for the last 2 minutes, all you’ve been doing is flip-flopping between: trying to remember what you need to buy for dinner. Stewing over that weird comment that girl at work made yesterday. And internally humming along to a Billie Eilish song that’s been stuck in your head since breakfast!




So much for not thinking.

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How One Woman’s Tragedy Inspired My Meditation Practice Wed, 03 May 2023 08:05:25 +0000

I still remember the day I met her.

She came for a massage, years ago, when I was running a home massage clinic in my rickety little hippie-cottage by the beach, while studying naturopathy.


She had something about her I noticed immediately, a felt-sense of peace and clarity that shone through her blues eyes and seemed to radiate from her very core. She was the most spiritually calm and grounded person I’d ever come across.

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Is Your Daily Coffee Affecting Your Anxiety? Tue, 28 Mar 2023 06:17:28 +0000


Have you ever discovered something disturbingly shocking about your partner, despite being together for over a decade?

I have…

Antonino (Toni), my beloved, shared with me what he used to have for breakky each morning as a small child growing up in Sicily..

…and what he told me shook me to my naturopathic core!!

Brace yourself….

It was warm milk… mixed with sweet, crumbled up biscuits…and……..ESPRESSO coffee!

I nearly spat out my herbal tea when he said that!

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