Category Archives: Yoga

A Short Yin Yoga Practice to Cultivate Contentment

I invite you this week to set aside 25 minutes for self-care and relaxation with this super-slow, blissful, yin/resortative class. The theme of this class is Santosha, (sanskrit for contentment) which is a very important attitude to be cultivated for peace of mind according to yogic philosophy.

As ancient yogis have always known and modern neuroscience has now shown, the default state of mind we are all prone to is one of dissatisfaction, always seeing the glass as half empty or viewing our lives, selves or even the present moment as somehow lacking.

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Yin Yoga: A Complete Practice for Body & Mind

Beautiful woman practicing Yoga by the lake - Sun salutation series - Balasana or child's position - Toned image

Imagine if you could loosen up all of the tight places in your body, remove energy blockages in your meridian system and learn how to cultivate mindfulness, self-compassion, and serenity all in one practice?

This, my friends, is why I LOVE teaching and practising yin yoga – it may appear deceptively simple on the surface, but it is in fact a rich, multi-layered and deep practice for body, mind and heart….and

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Category Archives: Yoga

A Short Yin Yoga Practice to Cultivate Contentment

I invite you this week to set aside 25 minutes for self-care and relaxation with this super-slow, blissful, yin/resortative class. The theme of this class is Santosha, (sanskrit for contentment) which is a very important attitude to be cultivated for peace of mind according to yogic philosophy.

As ancient yogis have always known and modern neuroscience has now shown, the default state of mind we are all prone to is one of dissatisfaction, always seeing the glass as half empty or viewing our lives, selves or even the present moment as somehow lacking.

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Yin Yoga: A Complete Practice for Body & Mind

Beautiful woman practicing Yoga by the lake - Sun salutation series - Balasana or child's position - Toned image

Imagine if you could loosen up all of the tight places in your body, remove energy blockages in your meridian system and learn how to cultivate mindfulness, self-compassion, and serenity all in one practice?

This, my friends, is why I LOVE teaching and practising yin yoga – it may appear deceptively simple on the surface, but it is in fact a rich, multi-layered and deep practice for body, mind and heart….and

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Category Archives: Yoga

A Short Yin Yoga Practice to Cultivate Contentment

I invite you this week to set aside 25 minutes for self-care and relaxation with this super-slow, blissful, yin/resortative class. The theme of this class is Santosha, (sanskrit for contentment) which is a very important attitude to be cultivated for peace of mind according to yogic philosophy.

As ancient yogis have always known and modern neuroscience has now shown, the default state of mind we are all prone to is one of dissatisfaction, always seeing the glass as half empty or viewing our lives, selves or even the present moment as somehow lacking.

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Yin Yoga: A Complete Practice for Body & Mind

Beautiful woman practicing Yoga by the lake - Sun salutation series - Balasana or child's position - Toned image

Imagine if you could loosen up all of the tight places in your body, remove energy blockages in your meridian system and learn how to cultivate mindfulness, self-compassion, and serenity all in one practice?

This, my friends, is why I LOVE teaching and practising yin yoga – it may appear deceptively simple on the surface, but it is in fact a rich, multi-layered and deep practice for body, mind and heart….and

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