Category Archives: Yoga

5 Impressive Reasons Why Every Anxious, Burnt-Out Mum Needs Some Yoga In Their Day

yin yoga childs pose


The other day I was having one of those days.

My toddler was screaming on the floor because I’d moved his “bull-truck” to the wrong position on the couch (apparently).

I felt like my brain was operating on about 5% capacity from being woken god-knows-how-many-times the night before. (Just like pretty much every night over the past 2 years!)

The dishwasher door was open with only half the dishes put away, clumps of dried-up scrambled eggs were littered all over the table, floor and my son’s booster seat, and the sight of my looong to-do list, and the knowledge that I had SO.

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Why You NEED To Try Yin Yoga!

Why you NEED to try YIN YOGA if you want to release PHYSICAL & MENTAL tension 

Watch this short but juicy video to discover:
– What yin yoga is and how it differs from other forms of yoga and movement
– Why yin yoga is a wonderful antidote to the stress and busyness of modern life
– How it works on both the energetic meridians of the body and the fascia or connective tissue where we hold physical tension
– Why it’s a wonderful mindfulness practice in it’s own right to help us cultivate a balanced, peaceful mind.

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Category Archives: Yoga

5 Impressive Reasons Why Every Anxious, Burnt-Out Mum Needs Some Yoga In Their Day

yin yoga childs pose


The other day I was having one of those days.

My toddler was screaming on the floor because I’d moved his “bull-truck” to the wrong position on the couch (apparently).

I felt like my brain was operating on about 5% capacity from being woken god-knows-how-many-times the night before. (Just like pretty much every night over the past 2 years!)

The dishwasher door was open with only half the dishes put away, clumps of dried-up scrambled eggs were littered all over the table, floor and my son’s booster seat, and the sight of my looong to-do list, and the knowledge that I had SO.

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Why You NEED To Try Yin Yoga!

Why you NEED to try YIN YOGA if you want to release PHYSICAL & MENTAL tension 

Watch this short but juicy video to discover:
– What yin yoga is and how it differs from other forms of yoga and movement
– Why yin yoga is a wonderful antidote to the stress and busyness of modern life
– How it works on both the energetic meridians of the body and the fascia or connective tissue where we hold physical tension
– Why it’s a wonderful mindfulness practice in it’s own right to help us cultivate a balanced, peaceful mind.

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Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved

anxiety natural treatment

Category Archives: Yoga

5 Impressive Reasons Why Every Anxious, Burnt-Out Mum Needs Some Yoga In Their Day

yin yoga childs pose


The other day I was having one of those days.

My toddler was screaming on the floor because I’d moved his “bull-truck” to the wrong position on the couch (apparently).

I felt like my brain was operating on about 5% capacity from being woken god-knows-how-many-times the night before. (Just like pretty much every night over the past 2 years!)

The dishwasher door was open with only half the dishes put away, clumps of dried-up scrambled eggs were littered all over the table, floor and my son’s booster seat, and the sight of my looong to-do list, and the knowledge that I had SO.

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Why You NEED To Try Yin Yoga!

Why you NEED to try YIN YOGA if you want to release PHYSICAL & MENTAL tension 

Watch this short but juicy video to discover:
– What yin yoga is and how it differs from other forms of yoga and movement
– Why yin yoga is a wonderful antidote to the stress and busyness of modern life
– How it works on both the energetic meridians of the body and the fascia or connective tissue where we hold physical tension
– Why it’s a wonderful mindfulness practice in it’s own right to help us cultivate a balanced, peaceful mind.

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