Category Archives: Wellness. Nutrition & Self-Care

How to Plan a Year of Self-Care (Part 3)

Part 3 of my 4 part video-series “How to Plan a Year of Self-Care” is here!

In part 1 we looked at what self-care is and isn’t and how to identify subconscious patterns that may sabotage your own self-care, and part 2 looked at how we can implement a simple self-care routine into our day. In this video, I am going to show you how you can set aside  few hours each week to attend to some of your own needs to enjoy better heath, energy, joy and inner peace.

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How to Plan a Year of Self-Care (Part 2)

Part 2 of this 4-part video series “How to Plan a Year of Self-Care” looks at how you can implement daily self-care habits into your routine for better health, energy, happiness and inner peace.

Be sure to grab your favourite journal and pen, because this video (like each one in the series) requires you to to a little homework so that you can take action and make it real.

Missed the first video in the series?

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Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved

Category Archives: Wellness. Nutrition & Self-Care

How to Plan a Year of Self-Care (Part 3)

Part 3 of my 4 part video-series “How to Plan a Year of Self-Care” is here!

In part 1 we looked at what self-care is and isn’t and how to identify subconscious patterns that may sabotage your own self-care, and part 2 looked at how we can implement a simple self-care routine into our day. In this video, I am going to show you how you can set aside  few hours each week to attend to some of your own needs to enjoy better heath, energy, joy and inner peace.

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How to Plan a Year of Self-Care (Part 2)

Part 2 of this 4-part video series “How to Plan a Year of Self-Care” looks at how you can implement daily self-care habits into your routine for better health, energy, happiness and inner peace.

Be sure to grab your favourite journal and pen, because this video (like each one in the series) requires you to to a little homework so that you can take action and make it real.

Missed the first video in the series?

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Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved

anxiety natural treatment

Category Archives: Wellness. Nutrition & Self-Care

How to Plan a Year of Self-Care (Part 3)

Part 3 of my 4 part video-series “How to Plan a Year of Self-Care” is here!

In part 1 we looked at what self-care is and isn’t and how to identify subconscious patterns that may sabotage your own self-care, and part 2 looked at how we can implement a simple self-care routine into our day. In this video, I am going to show you how you can set aside  few hours each week to attend to some of your own needs to enjoy better heath, energy, joy and inner peace.

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How to Plan a Year of Self-Care (Part 2)

Part 2 of this 4-part video series “How to Plan a Year of Self-Care” looks at how you can implement daily self-care habits into your routine for better health, energy, happiness and inner peace.

Be sure to grab your favourite journal and pen, because this video (like each one in the series) requires you to to a little homework so that you can take action and make it real.

Missed the first video in the series?

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