Category Archives: Wellness. Nutrition & Self-Care

How to Improve Anxiety With Diet

 How to Improve Anxiety with Diet: it may be surprising or even shocking to know this, but what you eat can have a BIG impact on your anxiety symptoms and mental health in general. Watch the video to find out which foods can help – and which foods can worsen – your anxiety.

Download my FREE Calming Foods Anti-Anxiety Diet PDF here.

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How to Find Out if Gluten is Worsening Your Anxiety & Depression

gluten anxiety depression

Ok, this is going to make me seem old…but I graduated as a naturopath back in 2004. Back then, we received a lot of flack about putting people on gluten-free “fad diets” if they didn’t have coeliac disease (a diagnosable auto-immune condition characterised by severe gluten intolerance). Despite there being a lack of scientific evidence and being scoffed at by orthodox medical professionals at the time, we naturopaths saw people suffering from a range of conditions (from skin, to gut to neurological) improve when they cut out gluten, so we kept doing it and as people felt better, gluten-free options started filling supermarket shelves and restaurant menus everywhere.

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Category Archives: Wellness. Nutrition & Self-Care

How to Improve Anxiety With Diet

 How to Improve Anxiety with Diet: it may be surprising or even shocking to know this, but what you eat can have a BIG impact on your anxiety symptoms and mental health in general. Watch the video to find out which foods can help – and which foods can worsen – your anxiety.

Download my FREE Calming Foods Anti-Anxiety Diet PDF here.

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How to Find Out if Gluten is Worsening Your Anxiety & Depression

gluten anxiety depression

Ok, this is going to make me seem old…but I graduated as a naturopath back in 2004. Back then, we received a lot of flack about putting people on gluten-free “fad diets” if they didn’t have coeliac disease (a diagnosable auto-immune condition characterised by severe gluten intolerance). Despite there being a lack of scientific evidence and being scoffed at by orthodox medical professionals at the time, we naturopaths saw people suffering from a range of conditions (from skin, to gut to neurological) improve when they cut out gluten, so we kept doing it and as people felt better, gluten-free options started filling supermarket shelves and restaurant menus everywhere.

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Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved

anxiety natural treatment

Category Archives: Wellness. Nutrition & Self-Care

How to Improve Anxiety With Diet

 How to Improve Anxiety with Diet: it may be surprising or even shocking to know this, but what you eat can have a BIG impact on your anxiety symptoms and mental health in general. Watch the video to find out which foods can help – and which foods can worsen – your anxiety.

Download my FREE Calming Foods Anti-Anxiety Diet PDF here.

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How to Find Out if Gluten is Worsening Your Anxiety & Depression

gluten anxiety depression

Ok, this is going to make me seem old…but I graduated as a naturopath back in 2004. Back then, we received a lot of flack about putting people on gluten-free “fad diets” if they didn’t have coeliac disease (a diagnosable auto-immune condition characterised by severe gluten intolerance). Despite there being a lack of scientific evidence and being scoffed at by orthodox medical professionals at the time, we naturopaths saw people suffering from a range of conditions (from skin, to gut to neurological) improve when they cut out gluten, so we kept doing it and as people felt better, gluten-free options started filling supermarket shelves and restaurant menus everywhere.

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