Category Archives: Stress & Anxiety

The #1 Supplement I Recommend for Anxiety and Depression

Before I share with you the #1 nutritional supplement I recommend to virtually ALL my naturopathic patients suffering from anxiety and depression – let me share a caveat…

Both anxiety and depression are complex, multi-factorial conditions with a range of potential underlying causes, both physical and mental, and treatment must ALWAYS be tailored to the individual to address these unique factors.

This is the heart of naturopathic philosophy, and why orthodox medicine is not stemming the current mental health epidemic with it’s one-size-fits-all, “pill for an ill” paradigm…

So unfortunately, just as I believe good mental health care must go beyond pharmacology, likewise, there is no ONE nutritional supplement that is a magic cure-all for anxiety and depression.

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How to STOP Feeling Rushed, Busy and Overwhelmed….


Tell me,

Do you ever wake up thinking of all things you have to do that day and feeling like you’re starting your day from a starting block on a race track….that your day is a literal race against time to get everything that has to be done, DONE??

(My hand is certainly raised…)

It’s certainly not a fun – let alone calm! – way to live…and I have been looking closely at my own life and ways of doing things to find out if there’s another way….if

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Category Archives: Stress & Anxiety

The #1 Supplement I Recommend for Anxiety and Depression

Before I share with you the #1 nutritional supplement I recommend to virtually ALL my naturopathic patients suffering from anxiety and depression – let me share a caveat…

Both anxiety and depression are complex, multi-factorial conditions with a range of potential underlying causes, both physical and mental, and treatment must ALWAYS be tailored to the individual to address these unique factors.

This is the heart of naturopathic philosophy, and why orthodox medicine is not stemming the current mental health epidemic with it’s one-size-fits-all, “pill for an ill” paradigm…

So unfortunately, just as I believe good mental health care must go beyond pharmacology, likewise, there is no ONE nutritional supplement that is a magic cure-all for anxiety and depression.

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How to STOP Feeling Rushed, Busy and Overwhelmed….


Tell me,

Do you ever wake up thinking of all things you have to do that day and feeling like you’re starting your day from a starting block on a race track….that your day is a literal race against time to get everything that has to be done, DONE??

(My hand is certainly raised…)

It’s certainly not a fun – let alone calm! – way to live…and I have been looking closely at my own life and ways of doing things to find out if there’s another way….if

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anxiety natural treatment

Category Archives: Stress & Anxiety

The #1 Supplement I Recommend for Anxiety and Depression

Before I share with you the #1 nutritional supplement I recommend to virtually ALL my naturopathic patients suffering from anxiety and depression – let me share a caveat…

Both anxiety and depression are complex, multi-factorial conditions with a range of potential underlying causes, both physical and mental, and treatment must ALWAYS be tailored to the individual to address these unique factors.

This is the heart of naturopathic philosophy, and why orthodox medicine is not stemming the current mental health epidemic with it’s one-size-fits-all, “pill for an ill” paradigm…

So unfortunately, just as I believe good mental health care must go beyond pharmacology, likewise, there is no ONE nutritional supplement that is a magic cure-all for anxiety and depression.

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How to STOP Feeling Rushed, Busy and Overwhelmed….


Tell me,

Do you ever wake up thinking of all things you have to do that day and feeling like you’re starting your day from a starting block on a race track….that your day is a literal race against time to get everything that has to be done, DONE??

(My hand is certainly raised…)

It’s certainly not a fun – let alone calm! – way to live…and I have been looking closely at my own life and ways of doing things to find out if there’s another way….if

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