Category Archives: Stress & Anxiety

A Simple Breathing Practice to Reduce Anxiety

Did you know that your breath is intimately connected to your mental state? (If you suffer from anxiety, then I’m sure you do – often the breath gets fast and shallow during time of stress and anxiety)
The good news is, it works the other way round too…by controlling and slowing down the breath (particularly the exhalation) we can also calm the mind.
The simple technique in this video can help to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and switch off the stress response, helping you to feel more calm, present and in control.
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How to Cultivate Self-Compassion & Overcome Your Inner Critic (Part 3 of 4)

Welcome to part 3 of my 4 part blog-series on cultivating self-compassion and overcoming your inner critic!

In part 1 we looked at just what our inner critic is, and how it can be extremely damaging to our mental health and sense of happiness and wellbeing.

And in part 2, we looked at just what self-compassion is exactly, how it differs from self-esteem, and the 3 core components of self-compassion: mindfulness, self-kindness and common humanity.

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Category Archives: Stress & Anxiety

A Simple Breathing Practice to Reduce Anxiety

Did you know that your breath is intimately connected to your mental state? (If you suffer from anxiety, then I’m sure you do – often the breath gets fast and shallow during time of stress and anxiety)
The good news is, it works the other way round too…by controlling and slowing down the breath (particularly the exhalation) we can also calm the mind.
The simple technique in this video can help to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and switch off the stress response, helping you to feel more calm, present and in control.
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How to Cultivate Self-Compassion & Overcome Your Inner Critic (Part 3 of 4)

Welcome to part 3 of my 4 part blog-series on cultivating self-compassion and overcoming your inner critic!

In part 1 we looked at just what our inner critic is, and how it can be extremely damaging to our mental health and sense of happiness and wellbeing.

And in part 2, we looked at just what self-compassion is exactly, how it differs from self-esteem, and the 3 core components of self-compassion: mindfulness, self-kindness and common humanity.

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anxiety natural treatment

Category Archives: Stress & Anxiety

A Simple Breathing Practice to Reduce Anxiety

Did you know that your breath is intimately connected to your mental state? (If you suffer from anxiety, then I’m sure you do – often the breath gets fast and shallow during time of stress and anxiety)
The good news is, it works the other way round too…by controlling and slowing down the breath (particularly the exhalation) we can also calm the mind.
The simple technique in this video can help to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and switch off the stress response, helping you to feel more calm, present and in control.
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How to Cultivate Self-Compassion & Overcome Your Inner Critic (Part 3 of 4)

Welcome to part 3 of my 4 part blog-series on cultivating self-compassion and overcoming your inner critic!

In part 1 we looked at just what our inner critic is, and how it can be extremely damaging to our mental health and sense of happiness and wellbeing.

And in part 2, we looked at just what self-compassion is exactly, how it differs from self-esteem, and the 3 core components of self-compassion: mindfulness, self-kindness and common humanity.

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