Category Archives: Self-Love

Self-Love: The Most Important Love of All

Heart-shape for the nature.

We’ve all been sold a great big lie.

Societal values and the media have taught us that there is something lacking within us, an inner emptiness that needs to be filled. A yearning for love. And it is true, we do need love. But we’ve been told that we need a certain kind of love to be happy. We need Prince Charming or the Perfect Woman to fill that empty space inside of us.

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Category Archives: Self-Love

Self-Love: The Most Important Love of All

Heart-shape for the nature.

We’ve all been sold a great big lie.

Societal values and the media have taught us that there is something lacking within us, an inner emptiness that needs to be filled. A yearning for love. And it is true, we do need love. But we’ve been told that we need a certain kind of love to be happy. We need Prince Charming or the Perfect Woman to fill that empty space inside of us.

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Category Archives: Self-Love

Self-Love: The Most Important Love of All

Heart-shape for the nature.

We’ve all been sold a great big lie.

Societal values and the media have taught us that there is something lacking within us, an inner emptiness that needs to be filled. A yearning for love. And it is true, we do need love. But we’ve been told that we need a certain kind of love to be happy. We need Prince Charming or the Perfect Woman to fill that empty space inside of us.

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