Category Archives: Self-Love

How to Cultivate Self-Compassion & Overcome Your Inner Critic (Part 2 of 4)

“A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life” – Chris Germer

In last week’s blog post, I explored how our inner critic can cause us so much inner stress and self-sabotage, robbing us of feeling truly happy and being able to reach our full potential.

This week I’d like to share more about the practice of mindful self-compassion, a proven way to reduce the powerful grip of our inner critic and enable us to experience more inner peace and emotional resilience.

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Feeling Lost & Disconnected From Your Inner Self? Try This…


I was staying in a very basic wooden bungalow with a verandah and a hammock, perched on the edge of the Mekong River on a quiet little island of farming families in Laos…there was no electricity, my rent was a paltry $1 a day and it took literally HOURS to get meals from the local family who owned the property (everything was made from scratch, and if you wanted chicken or fish the wait was longer – the fish had to be caught and the chicken be-headed!)

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Category Archives: Self-Love

How to Cultivate Self-Compassion & Overcome Your Inner Critic (Part 2 of 4)

“A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life” – Chris Germer

In last week’s blog post, I explored how our inner critic can cause us so much inner stress and self-sabotage, robbing us of feeling truly happy and being able to reach our full potential.

This week I’d like to share more about the practice of mindful self-compassion, a proven way to reduce the powerful grip of our inner critic and enable us to experience more inner peace and emotional resilience.

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Feeling Lost & Disconnected From Your Inner Self? Try This…


I was staying in a very basic wooden bungalow with a verandah and a hammock, perched on the edge of the Mekong River on a quiet little island of farming families in Laos…there was no electricity, my rent was a paltry $1 a day and it took literally HOURS to get meals from the local family who owned the property (everything was made from scratch, and if you wanted chicken or fish the wait was longer – the fish had to be caught and the chicken be-headed!)

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Category Archives: Self-Love

How to Cultivate Self-Compassion & Overcome Your Inner Critic (Part 2 of 4)

“A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life” – Chris Germer

In last week’s blog post, I explored how our inner critic can cause us so much inner stress and self-sabotage, robbing us of feeling truly happy and being able to reach our full potential.

This week I’d like to share more about the practice of mindful self-compassion, a proven way to reduce the powerful grip of our inner critic and enable us to experience more inner peace and emotional resilience.

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Feeling Lost & Disconnected From Your Inner Self? Try This…


I was staying in a very basic wooden bungalow with a verandah and a hammock, perched on the edge of the Mekong River on a quiet little island of farming families in Laos…there was no electricity, my rent was a paltry $1 a day and it took literally HOURS to get meals from the local family who owned the property (everything was made from scratch, and if you wanted chicken or fish the wait was longer – the fish had to be caught and the chicken be-headed!)

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