Category Archives: Meditation & Mindfulness

A Guided Mindfulness Meditation to Try at Home

Feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Come back to your centre of inner peace and the present moment in this short, simple mindful meditation on the breath. It runs for about 12 minutes, so find somewhere where you won’t be disturbed, sit up straight on a chair or on the floor (use as many cushions as you want for back support, hit play & enjoy! Oh…and be sure to let me know how it went in the comments below when you’re done…namaste 🙂

PS – have you joined my new facebook group The Ashima Living Meditation Circle?

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The 5 Gifts of Meditation

Young woman meditating outdoors

Meditation is truly transformative. The sense of peace and the joy of “being” cultivated through a regular meditation practice will bring gifts and qualities into your life that you never would have imagined possible.


One of the most valuable gifts that meditation brings is clarity of mind and this can affect the choices you make moment by moment. You start to take more notice of your behaviours and attitudes and with this awareness, you can actually make small changes that eventually affect your life in big ways.

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Category Archives: Meditation & Mindfulness

A Guided Mindfulness Meditation to Try at Home

Feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Come back to your centre of inner peace and the present moment in this short, simple mindful meditation on the breath. It runs for about 12 minutes, so find somewhere where you won’t be disturbed, sit up straight on a chair or on the floor (use as many cushions as you want for back support, hit play & enjoy! Oh…and be sure to let me know how it went in the comments below when you’re done…namaste 🙂

PS – have you joined my new facebook group The Ashima Living Meditation Circle?

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The 5 Gifts of Meditation

Young woman meditating outdoors

Meditation is truly transformative. The sense of peace and the joy of “being” cultivated through a regular meditation practice will bring gifts and qualities into your life that you never would have imagined possible.


One of the most valuable gifts that meditation brings is clarity of mind and this can affect the choices you make moment by moment. You start to take more notice of your behaviours and attitudes and with this awareness, you can actually make small changes that eventually affect your life in big ways.

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anxiety natural treatment

Category Archives: Meditation & Mindfulness

A Guided Mindfulness Meditation to Try at Home

Feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Come back to your centre of inner peace and the present moment in this short, simple mindful meditation on the breath. It runs for about 12 minutes, so find somewhere where you won’t be disturbed, sit up straight on a chair or on the floor (use as many cushions as you want for back support, hit play & enjoy! Oh…and be sure to let me know how it went in the comments below when you’re done…namaste 🙂

PS – have you joined my new facebook group The Ashima Living Meditation Circle?

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The 5 Gifts of Meditation

Young woman meditating outdoors

Meditation is truly transformative. The sense of peace and the joy of “being” cultivated through a regular meditation practice will bring gifts and qualities into your life that you never would have imagined possible.


One of the most valuable gifts that meditation brings is clarity of mind and this can affect the choices you make moment by moment. You start to take more notice of your behaviours and attitudes and with this awareness, you can actually make small changes that eventually affect your life in big ways.

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