Category Archives: Meditation & Mindfulness

My Top 10 Books For Cultivating Mindfulness

Don’t get me wrong now, cultivating mindfulness is a practice, something that has to be experienced and cultivated through regular meditation, it’s not a concept or a theory. However, coupled with a regular mindfulness meditation practice, some books by brilliant teachers and authors can really enhance both your understanding and practice of mindfulness…Here are 10 of my faves:

  1. Buddhism Plain and Simple by Steve Hagan

Mindfulness is adapted from Buddhist teachings, and while you certainly don’t need to be a Buddhist to practice mindfulness, understanding some of the key concepts that Buddha taught is helpful. 

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What I’ve Learned About Letting Go…(& How You Can Too)

Lately in my mindfulness meditation practice I’ve been tapping into a certain quality of attention….it’s difficult to put into words but if feels something like a beautiful allowance… A serene willingness to just “let be” whatever’s occurring in the moment – whether that’s shallow breathing, tight muscles, a restless, complaining mind or even feelings of bliss or rapture,  just letting it be ok, without trying to push, pull or change it in anyway…and more than that even, it’s kind of like a loving embrace of whatever is showing up.

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Category Archives: Meditation & Mindfulness

My Top 10 Books For Cultivating Mindfulness

Don’t get me wrong now, cultivating mindfulness is a practice, something that has to be experienced and cultivated through regular meditation, it’s not a concept or a theory. However, coupled with a regular mindfulness meditation practice, some books by brilliant teachers and authors can really enhance both your understanding and practice of mindfulness…Here are 10 of my faves:

  1. Buddhism Plain and Simple by Steve Hagan

Mindfulness is adapted from Buddhist teachings, and while you certainly don’t need to be a Buddhist to practice mindfulness, understanding some of the key concepts that Buddha taught is helpful. 

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What I’ve Learned About Letting Go…(& How You Can Too)

Lately in my mindfulness meditation practice I’ve been tapping into a certain quality of attention….it’s difficult to put into words but if feels something like a beautiful allowance… A serene willingness to just “let be” whatever’s occurring in the moment – whether that’s shallow breathing, tight muscles, a restless, complaining mind or even feelings of bliss or rapture,  just letting it be ok, without trying to push, pull or change it in anyway…and more than that even, it’s kind of like a loving embrace of whatever is showing up.

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Category Archives: Meditation & Mindfulness

My Top 10 Books For Cultivating Mindfulness

Don’t get me wrong now, cultivating mindfulness is a practice, something that has to be experienced and cultivated through regular meditation, it’s not a concept or a theory. However, coupled with a regular mindfulness meditation practice, some books by brilliant teachers and authors can really enhance both your understanding and practice of mindfulness…Here are 10 of my faves:

  1. Buddhism Plain and Simple by Steve Hagan

Mindfulness is adapted from Buddhist teachings, and while you certainly don’t need to be a Buddhist to practice mindfulness, understanding some of the key concepts that Buddha taught is helpful. 

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What I’ve Learned About Letting Go…(& How You Can Too)

Lately in my mindfulness meditation practice I’ve been tapping into a certain quality of attention….it’s difficult to put into words but if feels something like a beautiful allowance… A serene willingness to just “let be” whatever’s occurring in the moment – whether that’s shallow breathing, tight muscles, a restless, complaining mind or even feelings of bliss or rapture,  just letting it be ok, without trying to push, pull or change it in anyway…and more than that even, it’s kind of like a loving embrace of whatever is showing up.

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