Category Archives: Inspiration

What To Do If World Events Are Getting You Down

The woman meditating in a yoga pose on the tropical beach.

I don’t think it is overly pessimistic to say that we are living in very truobled times.

War, environmental devastation, terrorism, racism…not to mention douche-bag politicians leading our nations who seem to be operating at the basest level of humanity.

Sometimes the problems seem so huge and insurmountable it can be easy to feel sad, overwhelmed and powerless in the face of them.

You may think, what can one little person like me do?

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My Top 10 Books To Feed Your Soul!

Enjoyment - free happy woman enjoying sunset. Beautiful woman in a white dress embracing the golden sunshine glow of sunset with her arms outspread and face raised to the sky enjoying peace and serenity of nature

I need to make a confession.

My name is Sharee James and I am a book addict.

Especially spiritual books, ever since reading Johnathon Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach and You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay at the tender age of 11.

At 19, I got the job of my dreams working at an awesome specialist bookshop called The Inspiration Factory where we HAD to review an inspiring book every month, and my addiction continued.

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Category Archives: Inspiration

What To Do If World Events Are Getting You Down

The woman meditating in a yoga pose on the tropical beach.

I don’t think it is overly pessimistic to say that we are living in very truobled times.

War, environmental devastation, terrorism, racism…not to mention douche-bag politicians leading our nations who seem to be operating at the basest level of humanity.

Sometimes the problems seem so huge and insurmountable it can be easy to feel sad, overwhelmed and powerless in the face of them.

You may think, what can one little person like me do?

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My Top 10 Books To Feed Your Soul!

Enjoyment - free happy woman enjoying sunset. Beautiful woman in a white dress embracing the golden sunshine glow of sunset with her arms outspread and face raised to the sky enjoying peace and serenity of nature

I need to make a confession.

My name is Sharee James and I am a book addict.

Especially spiritual books, ever since reading Johnathon Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach and You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay at the tender age of 11.

At 19, I got the job of my dreams working at an awesome specialist bookshop called The Inspiration Factory where we HAD to review an inspiring book every month, and my addiction continued.

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Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved

anxiety natural treatment

Category Archives: Inspiration

What To Do If World Events Are Getting You Down

The woman meditating in a yoga pose on the tropical beach.

I don’t think it is overly pessimistic to say that we are living in very truobled times.

War, environmental devastation, terrorism, racism…not to mention douche-bag politicians leading our nations who seem to be operating at the basest level of humanity.

Sometimes the problems seem so huge and insurmountable it can be easy to feel sad, overwhelmed and powerless in the face of them.

You may think, what can one little person like me do?

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My Top 10 Books To Feed Your Soul!

Enjoyment - free happy woman enjoying sunset. Beautiful woman in a white dress embracing the golden sunshine glow of sunset with her arms outspread and face raised to the sky enjoying peace and serenity of nature

I need to make a confession.

My name is Sharee James and I am a book addict.

Especially spiritual books, ever since reading Johnathon Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach and You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay at the tender age of 11.

At 19, I got the job of my dreams working at an awesome specialist bookshop called The Inspiration Factory where we HAD to review an inspiring book every month, and my addiction continued.

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