Category Archives: Find Calm

My Manifesto for a Mindful Christmas

Mindful Christmas


I have mixed feelings about Christmas.

I love the idea of Christmas – slowing down, taking a break and reconnecting with family and community and what’s truly important. Though I am not at all religious, I have a great respect for Christ’s teachings on love, forgiveness, tolerance and helping the poor, and I like to think of Christmas as a time to give generously not just to your loved ones, but to those in need.

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Yin Yoga: A Complete Practice for Body & Mind

Beautiful woman practicing Yoga by the lake - Sun salutation series - Balasana or child's position - Toned image

Imagine if you could loosen up all of the tight places in your body, remove energy blockages in your meridian system and learn how to cultivate mindfulness, self-compassion, and serenity all in one practice?

This, my friends, is why I LOVE teaching and practising yin yoga – it may appear deceptively simple on the surface, but it is in fact a rich, multi-layered and deep practice for body, mind and heart….and

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Category Archives: Find Calm

My Manifesto for a Mindful Christmas

Mindful Christmas


I have mixed feelings about Christmas.

I love the idea of Christmas – slowing down, taking a break and reconnecting with family and community and what’s truly important. Though I am not at all religious, I have a great respect for Christ’s teachings on love, forgiveness, tolerance and helping the poor, and I like to think of Christmas as a time to give generously not just to your loved ones, but to those in need.

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Yin Yoga: A Complete Practice for Body & Mind

Beautiful woman practicing Yoga by the lake - Sun salutation series - Balasana or child's position - Toned image

Imagine if you could loosen up all of the tight places in your body, remove energy blockages in your meridian system and learn how to cultivate mindfulness, self-compassion, and serenity all in one practice?

This, my friends, is why I LOVE teaching and practising yin yoga – it may appear deceptively simple on the surface, but it is in fact a rich, multi-layered and deep practice for body, mind and heart….and

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Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved

anxiety natural treatment

Category Archives: Find Calm

My Manifesto for a Mindful Christmas

Mindful Christmas


I have mixed feelings about Christmas.

I love the idea of Christmas – slowing down, taking a break and reconnecting with family and community and what’s truly important. Though I am not at all religious, I have a great respect for Christ’s teachings on love, forgiveness, tolerance and helping the poor, and I like to think of Christmas as a time to give generously not just to your loved ones, but to those in need.

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Yin Yoga: A Complete Practice for Body & Mind

Beautiful woman practicing Yoga by the lake - Sun salutation series - Balasana or child's position - Toned image

Imagine if you could loosen up all of the tight places in your body, remove energy blockages in your meridian system and learn how to cultivate mindfulness, self-compassion, and serenity all in one practice?

This, my friends, is why I LOVE teaching and practising yin yoga – it may appear deceptively simple on the surface, but it is in fact a rich, multi-layered and deep practice for body, mind and heart….and

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