Category Archives: Anxiety & Self-Doubt

Get Rid of Struggling to Find Your True Purpose Once and For All

Artist paintbrushes over palette with oil colors

Do you have this niggling feeling in the back of your mind, where you wonder what your true purpose really is? Or if you are really living it?  If so, I totally get it – it used to gnaw away at me big-time…but now I think about the whole concept somewhat differently, and it no longer stresses me out…

When I was younger though, and studying naturopathy and pranic healing, I had this over-zealous notion that I was put here to “heal people”.

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Are you compassionate…or just a doormat?

foot on doormat with open door close up

You know, I’ve noticed something lately that I thought was mainly just a problem for me…

But after talking to some of my readers over the last few weeks as research for my new course, it seems that this might be a really common problem for a lot of people, especially sensitive, caring folks on a path of self-growth (and if you’re reading this, that’s probably you too!)

I’m talking about being able to set clear boundaries with others and being able to walk that fine line between being compassionate and caring towards others without it being at the expense of your self.

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Category Archives: Anxiety & Self-Doubt

Get Rid of Struggling to Find Your True Purpose Once and For All

Artist paintbrushes over palette with oil colors

Do you have this niggling feeling in the back of your mind, where you wonder what your true purpose really is? Or if you are really living it?  If so, I totally get it – it used to gnaw away at me big-time…but now I think about the whole concept somewhat differently, and it no longer stresses me out…

When I was younger though, and studying naturopathy and pranic healing, I had this over-zealous notion that I was put here to “heal people”.

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Are you compassionate…or just a doormat?

foot on doormat with open door close up

You know, I’ve noticed something lately that I thought was mainly just a problem for me…

But after talking to some of my readers over the last few weeks as research for my new course, it seems that this might be a really common problem for a lot of people, especially sensitive, caring folks on a path of self-growth (and if you’re reading this, that’s probably you too!)

I’m talking about being able to set clear boundaries with others and being able to walk that fine line between being compassionate and caring towards others without it being at the expense of your self.

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Category Archives: Anxiety & Self-Doubt

Get Rid of Struggling to Find Your True Purpose Once and For All

Artist paintbrushes over palette with oil colors

Do you have this niggling feeling in the back of your mind, where you wonder what your true purpose really is? Or if you are really living it?  If so, I totally get it – it used to gnaw away at me big-time…but now I think about the whole concept somewhat differently, and it no longer stresses me out…

When I was younger though, and studying naturopathy and pranic healing, I had this over-zealous notion that I was put here to “heal people”.

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Are you compassionate…or just a doormat?

foot on doormat with open door close up

You know, I’ve noticed something lately that I thought was mainly just a problem for me…

But after talking to some of my readers over the last few weeks as research for my new course, it seems that this might be a really common problem for a lot of people, especially sensitive, caring folks on a path of self-growth (and if you’re reading this, that’s probably you too!)

I’m talking about being able to set clear boundaries with others and being able to walk that fine line between being compassionate and caring towards others without it being at the expense of your self.

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